Saturday, 14 April 2012

6B - tools of inquiry

I have found after using all these techniques that they were all useful in different ways. I think that it will be beneficial to use all four of them within my Inquiry to gather as much data as I can. However, whilst doing this task I made a discovery that people told me more information when it was in an informal setting, I.e. a general conversation. Throughout doing the tasks I came across many opportunities to talk to the interviewees before and after and I found that they were more relaxed and wanted to tell you more as it wasn’t so important. 

Surveys - good for gathering general information. Quick and easy but not everyone will participate so can be biased
Observations - great for getting an overall feel for a situation and to see how others react naturally to events. However can be difficult to find a situation you can observe that will be beneficial and may not give you enough data.
Interviews - a good way to get a variety of information from one person and you can expand on their individual experiences. However, can be extremely time consuming for both parties involved.
Focus groups- these are a great way to have view shared and see how opinions vary between a small group of people, however, not everyone feels that their views are expressed enough when there are overpowered by others. 

I discussed this with James Thompson a writer/ director who believed that it was a more natural environment.  We spoke about how it can be difficult to get information from people in an interview or focus group depending on their personality, whereas when having a ‘conversation’ they are used to the situation as you speak to people each day. It is less formal. I agree with James and came to the conclusion that it might be an idea to go to a coffee shop with friends, colleagues and others within the industry just to chat and find out what they think. If they agree to have you writing notes or recording it then all the better. It will just give me a better understanding of what people are thinking.

Another aspect of tool that I have discovered is using a Poll on my SIG on A poll can give you quick views on a question, for example I did a pilot poll on Do you think government cuts within performing arts affect the development of a new Production Company? From this I have managed to get simple yes or no answers of what a variety of people think. It is not very specific but it can assist my Inquiry.

 Therefore, I have Six tools to develop my Inquiry with.

Focus Group

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